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- Written by NY Registrar NY Registrar
New SafeSport Regulations - SafeSport Training is required for all adults that have regular contact with or authority over minors. Beginning this season, SafeSport is required every year rather than every other year. However, anyone who completed training in the most recent season (2018-19) will retain valid training status for 2019-20, and will complete training annually beginning in 2020-21.
To comply with the law requiring adults with regular contact to complete training, USA Hockey must require that (i) all players 17 years of age or older on or before December 31 of that playing season and (ii) who play on a team in a classification that allows minor age players, complete SafeSport Training before being added to such team and prior to participation (on-ice or off-ice). This requirement shall apply to all teams in the age classifications Youth, Girls, High School, Junior Hockey, Flex Hockey and Disabled Hockey programs that allow both minor-age and adult-age players, and to officials who are turning 17 before December 31. You will not be able to add Team Staff (Coach or Manager) to a Youth/Girls/HS Roster until their SafeSport training has been completed. You will not be able to add a player, 2002 birth year or older, to a youth, girls, high school, flex, disabled or junior roster that allows both minor-age and adult-age players, until their SafeSport training has been completed. Additional information on SafeSport Training and the SafeSport Handbook can be found in the Registry in the Forms.